Here are some of the questions Kangaroo Island Free Range Eggs is commonly asked about their farm:
• What stocking density are your laying hens stocked at on the range area?
Our hens are stocked at approximately 190 hens per hectare.
• What do your chickens eat?
Our hens are fed a mixture of grains which are grown on our farm; wheat, peas, lupins, barley. They also have unlimited access to pasture in the range area.
• Are your chickens’ beaks trimmed?
No, definitely no beak trimming allowed on our farm. All of our hens are full beaked hens.
• Are laying hens on your farm ever locked in sheds?
No, hens on our farm are free to range at all times.
• How are your hens protected from predators if they are not locked in a shed?
Our hens are protected by Maremma stock guardian dogs who live with the hens. They are excellent at protecting against eagles and feral cats. These dogs play a big part in allowing us to provide true free range eggs. Kangaroo Island is also fox free!
• What causes double-yolkers?
Double yolk eggs usually occur in the younger layers; as the egg is being produced, the inexperienced hen accidentally wraps a shell around two yolks instead of one, resulting in a double-yolker!
• How should I store my eggs?
Kangaroo Island Free Range Eggs highly recommends to keep your eggs refrigerated to maintain complete freshness.
Maremma Guardian Dogs are an Italian breed of dog, held in high esteem by shepherds who use the dogs in the mountains of Italy in packs to protect their flocks of sheep from wolves and bears.
It is in the dogs’ natural instinct to protect whatever animal it has bonded with as a puppy.
The Maremma dogs on the Kangaroo Island Free Range Egg farm are introduced to the hens when they are just a young puppy so they learn to bond and protect the hens from other animal predators, such as feral cats here on Kangaroo Island.
We think they are pretty special and crucial to the success of our farm.