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Kangaroo Island Free Range Eggs is a family owned and operated farm situated on the pristine Kangaroo Island, South Australia, producing pasture raised eggs from true free range hens. Tom and Fiona Fryar established Kangaroo Island Free Range Eggs in 1992 with just 400 hens.


Today, Tom and Fiona with their sons, Thomas and Jason and wives Kirby and Bonnie run 70,000 pastured full beaked hens that range on the farm at no more than 190 hens to the hectare. With over 7individual raised mobile chicken sheds, the hens are never locked and free to roam on open pasture - true free range!


The hens eat a natural diet supplemented by a mixture of grains that are grown, harvested and crushed all on the farm.


Maremma Guardian Dogs live with the hens on the farm, keeping guard over them day and night to protect them from any predators.


Eggs are gathered daily and stored in a cool-room to ensure a product of excellent freshness and quality. The eggs are graded and packed all on the farm and then are sold and transported in refrigerated transport to stores and outlets in Kangaroo Island, Adelaide, regional South Australia, Melbourne and Sydney. 





Eggs laid on Fryar’s Kangaroo Island Free Range Egg Farm have a unique wholesome flavour. This is due to the laying hens having unlimited access to the outdoors, soaking up the sunlight and clean fresh air, scratching amongst the pasture for seeds and insects.


The business is externally audited by Humane Choice to ensure the hens are genuine free range!


Kangaroo Island Free Range Eggs is also certified by PROOF – Pasture Raised On Open Fields. PROOF is an Australian certification program for free range, pastured eggs, pork, chicken, beef and lamb from animals that have been raised on pasture in open fields.


Kangaroo Island Free Range Eggs is accredited under the Primary Industry and Regions SA (PIRSA) Egg Food Safety Scheme (accreditation number 35/013). We are audited by Biosecurity SA against the National Egg Food Safety Standard. For further information on the Egg food safety scheme please visit the PIRSA website.


The new Primary Production and Processing Standard for Eggs and Egg Products commenced on 26th November 2012. The Standard requires each egg to be stamped with a unique identification. Kangaroo Island Free Range Eggs has been assigned “SA13” as our unique identification, and consumers will notice this stamped on our eggs.


Kangaroo Island is a pristine island that is a place apart of unspoilt nature. Kangaroo Island Free Range Eggs is also a member of Authenitc KI meaning our eggs are a genuine Kangaroo Island products and we are a genuine Kangaroo Island business.

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